The War Houndz WHz US
Contrassegno: [WHz] Web: Sito web ufficiale Fan: 8 Creato: 06-10-2012

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This is our US platoon.

If you are looking for Euro players

Members of both EURO and US always group up regular, the idea behind this platoon is to help keep WHz running through different timezone's.

We hope to get a US server eventually

We require team players who want to play in regular clan matches.

Members must;

* Add all leaders on PSN to help get groups running!

* Use the WHz tag at all times

* Must Have Mic (and use it!)

* Must work as a team

* Respect all other clan members

* No cheating, hacking or stats boosting

* No Racism (Or any other 'ism)

To apply, click the link at top of page and also register at the official website once accepted (Link at top of the page)

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