Тэг: [OORS] Фанаты: 2 Создано: 16.04.2012

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Welcome everyone to Only One Round Sent platoon, this is for those of you who love to play the recon class, have an interest in the ethos that comes with the class, and aspire to really show those who say other wise that we really contribute just as much as everyone else.

That being said said there are some rules,
Rule Number 1: Be aware of your effect on the battlefield. What I mean by this is, yes, we hold the recon class close to heart, but be mindful of what your contributing to the team. Sitting on top of a mountain snagging random targets isn't helping. Purposefully targeting medics or those going for the objective is. Look for targets of opportunity, see a gunner in a jeep, take him out, a helicopter pilot, if you have the shot take it. Think about the bigger impact, you might not have the most kills, but remember recon isn't about that, it's about being the unseen warriors, the guardians in the shadows.

Rule Number 2: Talk to each other, and talk to your team. Spotting only goes so far, and being in the thick of it, sometimes glancing at the mini-map, if you even have it, doesn't cross your mind. Call out targets, and let the other players on your team know, "Hey there is a guy sneaking around the corner to your left." can go a long way compared to just hitting the select button.

Rule Number 3: In many way like rule number 2 but for recon players, spot for each other, and remember not to bunch up, having different fields of view at different distances can give you all sorts of info that can improve a shot, faster than doing it yourself, if you see a round, impact just a hair too low, let the other player know. Teamwork always trumps individual effort.

Rule Number 4: Conserve ammo, make your shots count and know your limits. Never waste six rounds for a target at distance, if you can move closer and get it with one. My rule of thumb is if I can't hit the target in two or three shots, either move, or pick a different target. Be mindful of you limits, you might see another sniper at 800 meters, but are you comfortable making that shot?

Rule Number 5: The most important rule, Have Fun, this is game, an awesome game, but a game none the less. At the end of the day it doesn't really matter who won or lost, but rather did you have fun?

I look forward to any and all who join, and hope together we can really make the recon class a class that others just don't dismiss.

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