Тэг: [BFF] Фанаты: 24 Создано: 25.06.2012

Презентация взвода

Rules and Regulations

To become a BFF member, you must become a BFF and access your inner BFF. We at BFF are a tight group of friends who are and always will be "Best of Friends" so to speak. If you think you can become a BFF, please apply via telephone at (752) 673 - 3367. Our secretary will assist you from there.

Please note that once you decide to leave us at BFF, your re-application may take up to 7 business days to process. If you haven't received confirmation by the 7th day, please send the BFFs a complaint by mail by 9pm or the next business day. Also, if you are receiving any sort of sexual harassment, you are entitled to receive a complimentary cheek fapping session provided by one of our members, namely GimmieYoWallet. I must reiterate that once you join BFF, and decide to terminate your vocal contract, you may be put on probation until further notice.

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