SiR Nation
Тэг: [SiR] Веб: Официальный веб-сайт Фанаты: 39 Создано: 21.04.2012

Презентация взвода

************************** Basic Requirements**************************

1. Be a Team Player,

After all this is not your typical “Run-N-Gun” FPS, there are OTHER players on the same team so teamwork when executed correctly produces amazing results for you and the guy next to you.

2. Have a headset/mic,

Battlefield is all about communication and if you can't do that you're at a disadvantage from the start. Fun and enjoyable people are what makes S.i.R. what is and 9 out of 10 times a player with a mic is more likely to get an invite than one without.

3. Have an active Battlelog account,

This is important not only for administration purposes but it allows you to connect with fellow members, compare stats and find out what’s happening within the platoon.

4. Have a sense of belonging and wear our tags, (SiR).

While we understand that S.i.R. is not the only platoon out there, please limit your total platoons to 3 including ours. In addition please limit your major platoons to one, we consider a platoon with 10 or more members major so while your own personal platoons is cool; being part of several large platoons is not.

5. You must also be active with the members of S.i.R,

So if you're on for 2 weeks but haven’t even attempted to squad up with anyone in the clan, you will get a warning and if the situation is not fixed then we will assume you've moved on and kick you. Again, we only want members that care and our serious about what we are doing here in S.i.R.

6. There is no minimum age limit,

Because we know that sometimes even if you are young you can still be cool and relatively mature. However, if we decide you are TOO young, or that you display annoying and/or immature qualities, we reserve the right to kick you out until you grow up a little bit. It's nothing personal, we've all been there, but BF3 is an M-rated game and this community is primarily targeted at people who are 18+.

7. Make a Clan account (Optional)

Due to the fact that our clan is growing rapidly, you may now make a account specifically for clan battles and for when gaming with SiR Nation. This account will have the name SiRx(Name of your choice) as an online PSN ID, This will help us keep track of which players are online and available.

7b. Since making the clan account has become optional, we have decided among the leaders to make it so anyone can join SiR using they're normal PSN account. Though they will not be able to become a leader of SiR with the rare case of someone being an exception.

If you have found all the above rules reasonable and you are willing to commit, go ahead and apply to the platoon. If you are accepted you will be granted access to our servers as a V.I.P. We are also a competitive clan, so if you are interested in representing SiR appropriately and are willing to follow orders, you will also be granted access to our Clan Battles and Scrimmages.

Our current standings are: 5-Wins 0-Losses


ALPHA SQUAD: *SiRxGinger, SiRxTrunkz, deadcell21, SiRxdeathsbarber,
BRAVO SQUAD: *SiRxJakks01, SiRxGhost,SiRxDthchld7, SiRxFaLkAnZ
CHARLIE SQUAD: *SiRxInTheKidneys/ SiRxNinja, SiRxSquirell____, SiR_OG_KuSh_RuU, vietcalvin
DELTA SQUAD: SiRxFluxx, Condemned92, SiRxCoolKid
ECHO SQUAD: *Todd3465, Heath1661, CAI2NaGe_, JOZIN_Z_BAZIN_PL
If you have not been placed into a squad it can be for one of two reasons. You have not played with SiR Nation for a number of days and or have not shown the effort to commit. Since there is ABSOLUTELY NO WAY I messed up don't whine and complain. BUT, on the slight chance I missed you or you don't like your squad contact SiRxGinger to talk about details.

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