ECHO's Limitless Lords
Тэг: [ELL] Фанаты: 10 Создано: 29.08.2012

Презентация взвода

This is a invite only platoon, The only way to become a part of this platoon is to show that you have limitless skills on the battlefield and seem to always surpass even the top soldier on the battlefield and always surprise your commanding officer. You are still a ECHO soldier and will ably by all ECHO rules.

Echo - Our skills shall echo throughout the battlefield.

1. Respect each other, we're a family.
2. Do not hog/camp vehicles.
3. Represent ECHO well.
4. If you are inactive for too long you will be kicked.
5. If others complain about immaturity you will be kicked.
6. If 5 or more players have an issue with you you will be kicked..
7. Have fun Hooah.

If any questions comments or complaints please talk to a leader.

Youtube Channel: Battlefield 3 ECHO Platoon

Limitless Warlord King: XxFa113n0n3xX
Limitless Warlords: GodOfThePhoenix , furioustylz
Limitless Lords: SN1P3S14 , omegakillza182 , beastwarassassin
Lords: Sambori25 , G4meShowSRB , xs2k , Jeesups1 , Souptra

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