Soldiers of Honor
Тэг: [SoH] Веб: Официальный веб-сайт Фанаты: 4 Создано: 03.03.2013

Презентация взвода

We are soldiers of honor, who fight by a strict morale code.

No cursing, swearing or other profanity.

No player harrasment. No intentional spawn killing or base camping.

No name calling or putdowns. Suck it up and play better next round!

Remember this is a game, an is for entertainment purposes only. Don't make playing this game more important than life.

Play the objective, play for the team. KDR is not everything. Play to win the round, not top slot on your team.

But yet above all, no hacks and no cheats of any kind. No aimbots, no wall hacks, no pre-fires, no aim assists, nothing. Play for the love of the game, and for the love of a challenge.


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