DC Operation UpRising
Тэг: [DCRI] Веб: Официальный веб-сайт Фанаты: 11 Создано: 08.08.2013

Презентация взвода

We are the UpRising. We are the active and competitive portion of Defensive Corps. You must complete all training and enlistment processes with Defence Corps before being HANDPICKED to join our ranks. Good Luck

Written Requirements

* Ability to communicate via voice chat effectively
* Active on Battlelog and Battlefield
* Goes HARD
* Plays well with the team
* Experience with team-oriented game modes, rush and conquest in particular

Rules of the Clan:

* Be mature when maturity is needed.
* Mic is mandatory when playing with clan mates.
* Check Battlelog often to stay updated
* Communicate with your clan mates
* Have your appropriate clan tag set for your division. [DCRI]

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