Тэг: [MPAC] Фанаты: 2 Создано: 09.11.2013

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Hi Guys, I'm Alex.

I'm an English 15 year old and I play far too many video games. Unfortunately due to BF4s crap net code, playing with people outside the EU is very hard so its just for EU players, sorry. Asides that there are no restrictions aside speaking English, having a microphone and being relatively mature. The clan isn't a serious gaming one, sure the occasional clan match is fun but this is mostly about a small group of gamers having fun and enjoying the battlefield as a team. Teamwork is encouraged but I don't mind if you lone wolf it because sometimes you just want to blow off steam but if we're in a serious match you've got to work as a team member.

The Clan will use a Teamspeak 3 Server with the following IP address:

Download Teamspeak 3: []

(Once installed, just open it and click 'Connections' -> 'Connect' in the top left. Then type in the 'Server Address' box. Finally, click 'Connect'.)

In case you've wondered who I am, I have played battlefield since bad company 2 and have just recently given up the Xbox 360 for the PC. I'm loving it so far and haven't looked back.

As long as this post exists we will still be recruiting so if you've read this far just join the Teamspeak and say "Hello!"

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