Vanguard Protocol
Тэг: [VP] Веб: Официальный веб-сайт Фанаты: 32 Создано: 07.12.2013

Презентация взвода

Welcome to the Vanguard Protocol Platoon.

The Vanguard Protocol is a dedicated Platoon which is primarily focused on.

1. Tactical team play as much as possible.

2. You should be an active gamer playing regularly. You will be part of a close team your team mates need you.

3. Respecting your fellow members and differing levels of ability, we want to grow our members as part of the team.

4. Good communication

These core values and practices are essential for an applicant to be accepted, if this is want you want, we would like you to submit your application and we welcome you to our Platoon.

Feel free to join our TeamSpeak 3 server, you'll receive a warm welcome from everyone.

TeamSpeak 3 Credentails:

Server Address:

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VP founder Albatross


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