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Voir tous les membres (21)

Site web : www.youtube.com/channel/uc15shu7_fveoj5kaqs2kyew • Créée : 13-03-2014

6 542 749 / 3 306 000

6 542 749
2673 h 6 m
We are an all South African Xbox 360 clan ready to kick ass. Contact one of the leaders to find out details to join.


Yo for more ways to contact us give us a like on facebook. We will be posting some entertaining clips soon we hope.
il y a 10 ans • 0 J'aime
Hi all daft members. Any of you guys on xbox one? Add me as a friend just looking for people to join our platoon.
il y a 8 ans • 0 J'aime
Howzit guys, any of you playing on ps4? If so, I'm looking for some local guys to play with on next gen. PS name: Ninja_Badger_RSA, send me an invite. Cheers
il y a 9 ans • 1 J'aime
I'll send you one when I'm next on
9 years plus tôt
Aweee guys.

I'm from TerrorSquad , you guys still up for the friendly? Sorry for the short notice but our guys all decided now they're up for tonight at 8pm if it suits you guys? If not we can make it some other time, maby next week. Most of the other people from my clan are unavailable during the rest of this week. Hit us up and we can discuss the finer details. (7vs7 conquest right?)

Hope to see you on the battlefield. Cheers
il y a 9 ans • 0 J'aime
Ah sorry dude only saw that now. 7v7 will work lekka. You must just tell us what day next week your guys aee up to it and im sure we can fall in with
9 years plus tôt
Would you guys be interested in a friendly scrim, round 2 vs RET again? :)
il y a 9 ans • 0 J'aime
Most definitely, just need to confirm the numbers on our side!
9 years plus tôt
Good games guys. Dunno wtf is up with these servers though, laggy ass bullshit! And at least we know for future reference, dont put the server onto private (Zavod), then you dont even know when you've killed someone! And also from that Zavod game, I need to try use the DAO. Damn, I got killed by that a lot! GG
il y a 10 ans • 4 J'aime
2 / 3 commentaires Plus d'infos
Haha wow I must say those were some brutal but awesome games and yes that Zavod was confusing as hell. And yes the dao is pretty darn cool although I honestly didn't even notice I was getting kills with it.
10 years plus tôt
Yeah when it's a private server it's unranked. Was brutal but at least we are learning, excellent tank work guys.
10 years plus tôt
Yoh, another all SA X360 clan. Thought we were the only one. Would you guys like to have a friendly sometime maybe? At least there's no ping advantage :)
il y a 10 ans • 1 J'aime
Hey :) Haha there a few as far as I know. Yeah that would be good, I'd just have to check with the others.
10 years plus tôt
Would you like to battle the Aog clan. Entering the tournament costs money but does have cash prizes
il y a 10 ans • 0 J'aime
Are most of the Clans US? Because we like to Stick to EU servers
10 years plus tôt
lekke game guys! Thanks
il y a 10 ans • 1 J'aime
Yeah, thanks, you guys really put up a fight.
10 years plus tôt
u wanna play a scrim?
il y a 10 ans • 0 J'aime
FondTuba12212 » FrostyIvan22
Hey, would your platoon be interested in a friendly sometime against Daft?
1 week ago
il y a 10 ans • 1 J'aime