[TMNY] The Manks N Yanks

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Voir tous les membres (13)

Créée : 12-03-2014

21 582 / 83 000

1 101 582
449 h 5 m
We are a group of guys who like to blow things up.
We have players from all over, but mostly Europe (Sweeden, Finland, England) as well as America.
We like to win, and get mad kills.
And spam UCAVs.
And Other Stuff.


hallo zusammen

wie schaut es aus zusammen gegeneinander zu zocken ?

Clan gegen Clan
il y a 6 ans • 0 J'aime
Hey buddy I like it an active clan. Well the reason for this message is cuz I would like to set up a match. The platoon I am in was founded with the idea to compete. So I would like to challenge your clan to A 5 on 5 match or at least 4 on 4 so both platoons can receive platoon points. Any game you want we can talk more specifics on xbox. Your leader MankMerkage knows who I am he can tell you who I am. This is just a friendly challenge for bragging rights. I look forward to playing.
il y a 10 ans • 2 J'aime
Come at us bro!
10 years plus tôt
Sounds good. Next weekend should work. Just one thing though. I spam UCAVs. That is all.
That and, we have 4 lvl 120s with different skill sets each, but I look forward to a showdown.
10 years plus tôt