[HvK] HvK-Gaming

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Voir tous les membres (101)

Site web : hvk-gaming.com/ • Créée : 08-03-2014

50 392 / 90 000

1 213 392
614 h 15 m
HvK-Gaming is a gaming community. Just don't make the mistake of this being "Just another clan". There you would be wrong, our goal is to have a community of gamers. This will make it much easier for people to find someone to game with, because no one likes getting their face rolled alone right?

We have our own servers, and they can be easily found by searching for "HvK-Gaming". Please make sure you disable all your filters before search as it will make it easier to find the servers. Currently we do not have a procon layer so all Admin work is done manually, and there is usually always an admin in our server.

Please visit our website for more information about our community.


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Battlefield = BATTLELOG = Battlefield
@xxxx[{::::::::::::> predatory bird ARNIS
https://youtu.be/mNyr5VQgtjg [youtu.be]
il y a 2 ans • 0 J'aime
FURY GAMING приглашает вас на сервер OPERATION LOCKER


Сервер с адекватными администраторами и с простыми правилами.


Наш игровой сервер:


Голосовой Discord сервер для общения: https://discord.gg/eDNSXHR [discord.gg]

Если вы активный игрок и предпочитаете карту OPERATION LOCKER тогда мы вас ждём!

С уважением FURY GAMING.
il y a 6 ans • 0 J'aime
this is group active or just gay?
il y a 8 ans • 1 J'aime
7 years plus tôt
Weizzo ; Fuck--SWE--Cheater
il y a 8 ans • 1 J'aime
Accept my application plz and lets play some BFH!
il y a 9 ans • 0 J'aime
Hey everyone !! I'm avail to play BF3 and BF4 when ever. Just send a FR.
il y a 9 ans • 0 J'aime
Today I spoke to Seifer82001 on our (ADK) Metro server. We chatted very briefly about our communities being open to players from other clans/communities. Just had to say he made me want to look you guys up and give a thumbs up.
il y a 9 ans • 2 J'aime
We have 4 people online and we don't even play in the same server :/ . Come on people!
il y a 9 ans • 0 J'aime
Can i join as a ps3 palyer?
il y a 10 ans • 0 J'aime
Hey Guys!
il y a 10 ans • 0 J'aime