[MOHA] MOH Airborne Aces

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Created: 2014-03-04

751 / 11,000

13h 34m


I'm looking to recruit members for the platoon from the Xbox One and PS3 communities and of course more from the Xbox 360 community! Please apply here and send me a message on your platform as well!
10 years ago • 0 Like
We are now recruiting for either just the BF4 Platoon or to be a part of the overall Clan! Apply here for the Platoon.. send a message to GeorgeNLCA if interested and want to start the process of being in the overall Clan! We are looking for good & dedicated players that either came from the MOH: Airborne, Medal Of Honor or MOH: Warfighter gaming communities or gamers that came from the Battlefield: Bad Company 2, Battlefield 3, Halo: Reach and/or Halo 4 gaming communities that are good at flying vehicles and of course good infantry soldiers! We are also looking for gamers from the military/Airforce with an "Airborne" themed background or just players who are good at the game and love an "Airborne" themed Platoon! Playing with us, you know we will have your six and that we will rise above the rest!
10 years ago • 0 Like