Latest login: Canada Canada


What's up Montreal and gamers across the world :D

I've been gaming since DOOM on PC since 1993. I made the switch to consoles :/ due to less hacks and trust me I have seen many in my days of game play.

The game that taught me a lot was called America's Army Operations.
You had 1 life per 10 minute rounds or the objectives were taken or all enemies/team were killed. It teaches you to live as best as you can.

ATU ( Advanced Tactical Unit )
I started this mostly for fun and to teach players basic tactics. I wish I could say I was one of the greatest players but at least I'm not a booster :D

It's called tactics, learn them.
Ambushes are very easy to do, why not do it more often?
We call it a flank, use it as much as you can.
Spot the enemy at all times, even before you shoot.
Stop trying to knife that guy as I watched you chase him half way across the map after I spotted them.....go back to COD little kid.
