[UPRS] Uprise

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Веб-сайт: uprise.se • Создан: 25.02.2014

1 601 / 21 000

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119ч 8м


Is there any way to get applied?
4 г. назад • 0 Нравится
Invite me pls
4 г. назад • 0 Нравится
Join member
6 г. назад • 1 Нравится
pls invite me
7 г. назад • 1 Нравится
Guys there is a problem that needs to be solved about emblems, i do not actually know who is the one who should fix it but i will tell you about it :)
So since the last BF1 Beta update the emblems on BF4 just disappeared and they are not appearing on vehicles and guns but only on battlelog profiles. I am not the only one who experienced this so please do something if you can or at least let me know who should i talk to. Greetings from Serbia to you all :)))0
7 г. назад • 0 Нравится
How do i get the tags...
8 г. назад • 1 Нравится
UPRISE dog tag i mean
8 years назад
The dog tags UPRISE are only for UPRISE employees. :)
7 years назад
how do i can get bf4 dogtag ?
7 г. назад • 0 Нравится
u dont
7 years назад
i am a Game developer, dont work for any company yet :)
8 г. назад • 2 нравится
Battlelog is broken, fix it please? :) http://prnt.sc/b1rpj6 [prnt.sc]
8 г. назад • 0 Нравится
HvsZ - Minze vs all
thanks KuMAFDM for your participation in the HvsZ-event
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w7h4BE1Md6M [youtube.com]
8 г. назад • 0 Нравится
Tjena otakkuma! Tack för senaste uppdatering av battlelog.
Finns det någon möjlighet så att vi kan ändra platoon namn och tag? skulle vara riktigt najs om ni fixar det :)
En grej till, jag kan inte se platoonens inlägg från Battlelog app i mobilen. Hoppas ni kan fixa dom två grejarna till nästa uppdatering :)

8 г. назад • 0 Нравится
2 / 4 коммент. Подробнее
Jag håller med dig och förstår att det är efterfrågat. Det är tyvärr inget som vi på Battlelog kan reglera då detta ligger hos Origin som tillhandahåller vänlistorna.
8 years назад
Har du inga goda nyheter för mig? Vad hände med vänlistan? kommer den öka någon dag i framtiden? :D
Kan ni fixa det så att vi kan organisera/ordna plutonerna i våra profiler? tex http://prntscr.com/are1t5 [prntscr.com] att man kan ha team sweden i samma ordning osv. Det ska vara åtminstone i Alfabetet ordningen tycker jag :)
8 years назад
Can I Be In The clan?? Or can You Helpme to get the Patch of dice Thank You!
8 г. назад • 0 Нравится
hello, the clan is only for UPRISE employees. :)
8 years назад
Welcome to a Multiplay BattlefieldGirl Server By Mileena_Mi! (Battlefield Hardline)
No Stupid Rules, All Weapons Allowed!
http://battlelog.battlefield.com/bfh/ru/servers/show/pc/db467631-1979-4a15-9622-5cf14edd61af/MULTIPLAY-BATTLEFIELDGIRL-SERVER-BY-MILEENA-MI/ [battlelog.battlefield.com]
8 г. назад • 0 Нравится
DICE please! Add me somebody! I really want to get another medal! I'm sorry that I write is not clear and the possibility of errors wasps. I did not know the English translation in Google Translator.
8 г. назад • 0 Нравится
Played BF4 CTE but did not give tokens. I want to get at least another counter ..
8 years назад
Then you can remove me. For I do not think that you will play with me. I just want to get a medal.
8 years назад
FIX PLS DICE DRAGON VALLY !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UlSMoSZdPXM [youtube.com]
8 г. назад • 0 Нравится
8 years назад
ayyy the flying lav
8 years назад
Hello again ESN, I really need someone to help me out - Battlelog issue. I will link you the thread i created: http://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf4/forum/threadview/2955065239453126070/ [battlelog.battlefield.com] I will really appreciate all the help I get, thanks!
9 г. назад • 1 Нравится
2 / 7 коммент. Подробнее
i made a youtube video on how to fix this problem u are having: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CJrkoeexQmQ [youtube.com]
9 years назад
We've added a functionality for admins to disband platoons. If you are having issues, please contant me or an Battlelog admin for help.

8 years назад
I pointed this out a few months ago, but why are the service stars set to a maximum of 100 on the webpage version of battlelog? On the mobile app version, the coding for the service stars is different, as it technically allows an unlimited amount of service stars.

8 г. назад • 0 Нравится
Thanks for pointing this out. We will take a closer look on how to improve the service stars tracking. Stay tuned!
8 years назад
Please make the platoon limit to 5 platoons per member :)
That's will make a lot of people happy!
Peace and love and keep up the good work! :)
9 г. назад • 4 нравится
2 / 12 коммент. Подробнее
Thanks a lot otakkuma! Any possibility of increasing the friends limit also? I mean, I'm sure even you and your friends or EA Moderator would definitely agree with me :) I know it's not in your hands, it's something with Origin but I'm pretty sure you could do something to push it and put special care of it :) Please :)
8 years назад
Believe me, I have not forgotten about the friends limit cap ;) As you mention, this is out of our hands at the moment but we'll see what lies ahead! :)
8 years назад
Thanks a lot otakkuma for increasing the platoon limit!
Any possibility of increasing the friends limit also? I mean, I'm sure even you and your friends or EA Moderator would definitely agree with me :) I know it's not in your hands, it's something with Origin but I'm pretty sure you could do something to push it and put special care of it :) Please :)
8 г. назад • 1 Нравится
How do I join?
8 г. назад • 0 Нравится
Sorry, this platoon is only for Uprise employees.
8 years назад