[FfC] Firefight Company

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Voir tous les membres (41)

Site web : www.firefightcompany.com • Créée : 04-10-2014

4 215 810 / 3 306 000

4 215 810
1308 h 14 m
We are the Firefight Company. “Together we Conquer”

We are a PS4 gaming clan that was founded in 2009. We are built on the strong bond of brotherhood. And family. We pride ourselves in the respect we drive home; to each other, to other clans, and to the gaming community as a whole. Our word is our bond and our members give their heart and soul to make this place a true gamers paradise. We have a very strong leadership core and rotating officer program that keeps things fresh and delivers amazing stability. We show no signs of slowing down and are only expanding. We now officially support both Battlefield and Destiny series and always keep our eye on the next big thing. We adjust, we pivot, we make mistakes, we learn, we grow, and we become stronger every day. The FfC is not something that can be described, it has to be experienced so why not check in to see what it's all about!

Website: http://www.firefightcompany.com [firefightcompany.com]
Youtube: http://www.youtube.com/user/1080PixelGaming [youtube.com]


il y a 8 ans • 0 J'aime
Hey I used to be in FFC for bf3 and wondering if I can get back in starting to get into hardline. Thanks
il y a 8 ans • 0 J'aime
I would join the forums and start a new thread there.
8 years plus tôt
8v8 10v10 or 12v12 on BFH, contact me
il y a 8 ans • 0 J'aime
or 16v16 on BF4
8 years plus tôt
wanna scrimmage
il y a 9 ans • 0 J'aime
I have had the chance to play a quite a few matches with some of the guys, it's been a lot of fun. Thanks for letting me tag along.
il y a 9 ans • 0 J'aime
i would love to join you , i am growing every day as a player and i am verry active, my psn is cali_swagg_slay
il y a 9 ans • 0 J'aime
12v12 CQ small BFH vs aN? add me
il y a 9 ans • 0 J'aime
12v12 CQ small BFH vs aN? add me
il y a 9 ans • 0 J'aime
Looking to join a platoon
KD 1.97
KPM 2.08
CPM 743
I have played against the clan several times online. I would like to be apart of it
il y a 9 ans • 0 J'aime
Got your application on our website. I'll add you on PSN and we'll get some games in together this weekend. Thanks for the interest, dude!
9 years plus tôt
With this amazing recruiting push and all the killer new members that have come in, the FfC is stronger then ever. We are cleaning out our closet - so if you get removed or need to talk to us for any reason in regaurds to a removal please reach out so we can chat!! Lets keep kick'n ars out there boys!
il y a 9 ans • 0 J'aime
Just started playing with these guys and already feel like I'm part of a tight knit group. Not only are they talented players, they're also fun to play with. When you squad up with these guys you dominate whatever lobby you're in
il y a 9 ans • 2 J'aime
Thanks Rich!
9 years plus tôt
hi , i am a leader in The Last Veterans . We are looking for a team to have a 16v16 match with on conquest small if you are interested? Completely friendly match, nothing official and nothing that effects records, just a good practice for the start of Hardline. Please contact me on PSN (Rava625). Thank You.
il y a 9 ans • 0 J'aime
Kevvyfly, at the moment we are not competing in conquest. If you would like to set something up for Rescue let me know. Thank you!
9 years plus tôt
Hello I was wondering if could join your platoon because I am getting tired of only myself in the game playing the objective. I am mature and will take any orders when given to me so don't
hesitate to say anything. I am a decent helicopter pilot and I have strategy when using it usally. If you guys have anymore questions feel free to contact me on psn or on battlelog.
Kd: 1.98
Kpm: 1.26
Cpm: 794
WL Ratio: 55% sorry if it's somewhat low
il y a 9 ans • 0 J'aime
Ice Cold, feel free to visit www.firefightcompany.com and submit and application. There are some basic questions to fill out and should only take a few minutes of your time. Thank you for showing interest in the FfC.
9 years plus tôt
send an invite my way
il y a 9 ans • 1 J'aime
Looking forward to Hardline dropping!!! Beta has been great.
il y a 9 ans • 1 J'aime
il y a 9 ans • 1 J'aime
FfC now has 2 servers 1 dedicated Rush server and 1 dedicated Conquest server.
il y a 9 ans • 1 J'aime
I'm pleased to introduce our latest recruit, JA6ERMEISTER. He has shown exceptional qualities that makes him a great fit for the FfC community! Welcome brother!
il y a 9 ans • 0 J'aime
Thank you to the Battlefield Community for all of the interest you have shown towards the FfC. Sadly recruiting has been shut down as we have reached out max number. Stay tuned for future recruitment!
il y a 9 ans • 0 J'aime
Don't forget, we have an official FfC server up and running. Search FfC Firefight Company!!!!
il y a 9 ans • 0 J'aime
I just filled mine out.
9 years plus tôt