[117] Task Force 117

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Voir tous les membres (8)

Site web : enjin website no longer used • Créée : 13-05-2018

27 840 / 28 000

349 840
193 h 34 m
(We Are No Longer Recruiting)
We're the Task Force 117, a Battlefield 4 platoon focused on making your game play experience better by providing you with an entourage of mates to play seriously with, making the best of your matches!

Here's a video for new platoon members: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gqw_q9IY8sA [youtube.com]

Please, only join this platoon if you are an active player on Battlefield. This means that you login and play Battlefield 4 around 3 days of the week, and especially during the weekend.


Support the team by playing our servers! And if you have any map requests then go ahead and message them in the Public wall! Thank you!

117 Task Force US East (ONLINE)
117 Task Force Europe (OFFLINE)
117 Task Force US East 45Hz (OFFLINE)
117 Task Force Asia (OFFLINE)
117 Task Force Europe 45Hz (OFFLINE)

READ ME: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1PsBxhjpRG-cx7rrSeb3c4y16M6qkEY4bDWLNSgJA8yo/ [docs.google.com]


Are here from FACEBOOK or REDDIT or BF FORUMS?
Well then welcome to the Whiskey Crew 117!

If you want in you should press APPLY on this platoon page, then go to the website and become a member there as well so that I can rank you. You should also add me and Rinzler here on Battlelog and chat with us about why you want to be a member of WC 117.
il y a 5 ans • 0 J'aime
am waiting for the accept to join the platoon
il y a 5 ans • 0 J'aime
Accept me please. Ful time medic part time support. Ptfo. Hardcore player.
il y a 5 ans • 0 J'aime
Is it a PS3 platoon?
il y a 5 ans • 0 J'aime
5 years plus tôt
hey, I've started playing battlefield again after a long break from gaming what should I do to join the platoon?
il y a 5 ans • 1 J'aime
Press on APPLY.
Add everybody in the platoon.
Play BATTLEFIELD 4 with us. :)
5 years plus tôt
If you wanna join The Whiskey Crew 117, Make sure you have discord it's mandatory. Here is the link: https://discord.gg/4emJsVB [discord.gg]
il y a 5 ans • 0 J'aime
I want to join you guys, how can i be a part of the clan?
il y a 5 ans • 0 J'aime
I want you to go to our website and send us an application. Click on the recruitment tab.
5 years plus tôt
Sorry for late notice.
5 years plus tôt
lookin for some new friends to play... im from from switzerland so there might be some lagg issues haha

Played a long time ago and now im back.
il y a 5 ans • 1 J'aime
Thanks for checking us out.
We have out European set up for you so you'll have a place to call home.
Add me on PSN and we should play some games: Kilnerin
5 years plus tôt
Hey, I'm a long time player that is getting back into the game after a long hiatus and looking for a platoon.
il y a 5 ans • 1 J'aime
2 / 3 commentaires Plus d'infos
Since 2011
5 years plus tôt
Nice. Add me on PSN: Kilnerin
5 years plus tôt
Servers for NORTH AMERICA and EUROPE are going to be up tomorrow at 0700 HOURS EST.
il y a 5 ans • 0 J'aime
Hey i recently started playing battlefield 4 again on a new account and everyone I used to play with have disappeared. Looking for a new group of active guys to play with and look forward to hopefully finding that in your platoon.

Psn: fishnlax
il y a 5 ans • 1 J'aime
Sorry for taking so long to get to you! Let's talk in chat!
5 years plus tôt
Hello guys, I want to join you guys, I ptfo, I am very relaxed, very good engineer/medic player. Play better on ground vehicles.
il y a 5 ans • 0 J'aime
Thank you for considering us!
I will accept your application, so you should go and add everybody on the member ship on BATTLELOG and PSN.

Have fun!
5 years plus tôt
Looking for a USA based clan. Had a level 118 but restarted and am only level 50ish now, im only 15 but am fairly mature and on 5 times a week usually. Have a mic and love engineer. Add me @aidan mcjuan
il y a 5 ans • 1 J'aime
if @aidan mcjuan doesnt work try @Aidanmac11 , im fairly sure aidan mcjuqn is just my display name
5 years plus tôt
We don't have any restrictions on age. Just be respectful and you'll fit with us. Welcome to the team.
5 years plus tôt
Hey guys looking for people to squad up with on PS4. Been playing battlefield for years this is my new account ! Are there a lot of US players ?
il y a 5 ans • 0 J'aime
Yeah. Add me on PSN: Kilnerin.
5 years plus tôt
This is a new platoon, so there won't be many members joined until recruitment starts to spring in more players. If you want to join this young platoon, then you should message me at my Battlelog and press APPLY.

If you are interested in helping with recruitment then please add and message me from Battlelog.
il y a 6 ans • 0 J'aime
2 / 3 commentaires Plus d'infos
Just accepted your application, we should play BF4 together.
6 years plus tôt
can i join
5 years plus tôt
13 members so far! So proud to have grown this platoon to this number! Let's get to 20!
il y a 5 ans • 0 J'aime
We've got three servers: US EAST, US WEST, and EUROPE. Just search 117 Task Force in the server browser.
il y a 5 ans • 0 J'aime
looking for a platoon on ps4. UK based.

PSN gorillap4n1c_420
il y a 5 ans • 1 J'aime
Glad to see people from around the world joining this young platoon. Thanks for considering us. Just apply and you are good to go, friend.
5 years plus tôt
Still accepting people? I'm interested for BF4 on PS4
il y a 5 ans • 1 J'aime
Sorry for the late notice. I'll look at your application now.
5 years plus tôt
I'm a recuit from asian, I often play games at weekend,can i be the member of the platoon?
il y a 5 ans • 0 J'aime
Sure thing.
5 years plus tôt