
Dernière connexion : Taïwan Taïwan


個人暱稱: Jake (傑克)

職稱: ROC蛤蠣

專業載具: 任何

座右銘 : 下定決心,不怕犧牲,排除萬難,我們要發達~

ROC Clan is a community of xbox one
gamers from all walks of life who believe
in fair and honorable gaming.
We look for skill and place high value
on great attitude.
We are both casual gamers and competitive gamers who actively attend
clan events and competitive tournaments. Our goal is to provide a
drama free entertainment community for
all gamers and others on our servers.

Want to Yuezhan if you can contact me ~
ID: a9210035 (JAKE)
e-mail : a1001575822@yahoo.com.tw
a9210035 ne partage ces informations qu'avec ses amis.


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