UPDATE 6/4: The “Netcode” patch has been released and is now available on Xbox One and PlayStation 4. Please proceed to start your respective console and download the latest update.
We’re happy to announce that we’ve released an update for PC, PS3, and X360 today containing the new improved “Netcode” for Battlefield 4. The update will be released later this week on PS4 and Xbox One.
This update has been developed using the CTE (Community Test Environment) on PC (you can sign up if you haven’t done so already at http://cte.battlelog.com), and is the first update being deployed using your gameplay feedback.
The number of changes possible in this update would be difficult to pull off without the continued support from our community, both through direct constructive feedback and telemetry data gathered on the CTE.
High Frequency Network Update
For the PC, PS4, and Xbox One platforms, we are adding something we nicknamed the “High Frequency Bubble”. Within a certain radius of the player, we add the possibility to update the clients at a higher rate from the server. What this essentially means is that the server will update the client on what is happening more often than before. This normally results in a smoother, more “correct” player experience.
The High Frequency Update is by default turned OFF in this release. You will have to enable this setting to take advantage of the improved networking. To support players with a limited bandwidth connection, we support three different levels: LOW, MEDIUM and HIGH. Most players with a connection faster than 1Mbit upload and 1Mbit download should be fine using the HIGH setting. If you experience any issues, lower or turn off the setting completely.
Playstation 4 and Xbox One Server Performance
The High Frequency Update will be rolled out to all 48 player servers and on a small set of 64 player servers immediately. We will then keep a close eye on the larger servers to make sure server performance stays good in the live environment. If all goes well, all servers will be supporting the high frequency update after 24 hours or rollout and testing.
PC Server Performance
On PC the RSPs are responsible for enabling the feature at their discretion, we expect most to do so as soon as possible.
Video Comparison
When testing our “High Frequency Bubble” changes to the network layer in Battlefield 4, we made sure to employ a measurable end-user experience metric. To do this, we have been using a 60fps video camera to capture two clients connected over the internet, and counting frames to get before and after results:
Future Plans
This is the first release to contain CTE-tested “Netcode” fixes and improvements. We are still hard at work with additional improvements and tweaks to better our network experience that did not make this release.
We hope to utilize the Community Test Environment for future release to ensure quality and stability across all platforms. If you wish to take part in this testing, the CTE still has slots open. The current requirement is to own a PC copy of Battlefield 4 with a Premium memebership to sign up at http://cte.battlelog.com
Update Details
• Improved/reduced explosion induced camera shake
• Character collision improvements
• Fix to reduce object damage mismatch between client/server.
• Fix explosion packs not being able to be shot sometimes
• Improvements for client side packet loss
• Client crash fixes
• AMD Mantle multi-GPU improvements
• Carrier Assault game mode reports bug fix
• High Frequency Network update
- Added High frequency “bubble” updating player movement, stance, rotation, damage and projectiles at a separate rate on foot and in vehicles
- Added option to control client side update rate setting
PlayStation 3
• Improved/reduced explosion induced camera shake
• Rental server bug fixes
• Character collision improvements
• Reduced object damage mismatch between client/server.
• Fix for explosion pack not being able to be shot sometimes
• Improvements for client side packet loss
• Added controller option to swap functionality of the bumper and trigger buttons
• Carrier – Invisible walls stopping bullets fix
Xbox 360
• Improved/reduced explosion induced camera shake
• Rent A Server bug fixes
• Character collision improvements
• Reduced object damage mismatch between client/server.
• Fix for explosion pack not being able to be shot sometimes
• Improvements for client side packet loss
• Added controller option to swap functionality of the bumper and trigger buttons
• Physics optimization for Naval Strike Wave Breaker rocks
• Carrier – Invisible walls stopping bullets fix
• Fix for issue where clients with low bandwidth would not be able to enter squad menu.
PlayStation 4
• Improved/reduced explosion induced camera shake
• Rental server bug fixes
• Character collision improvements
• Fix to reduce object damage mismatch between client/server.
• Fix explosion packs not being able to be shot sometimes
• Improvements for client side packet loss
• Added controller option to swap functionality of the bumper and trigger buttons
• Physics optimization for Naval Strike Wave Breaker rocks
• Carrier – Invisible walls stopping bullets fix
• High Frequency Network update
- Added High frequency “bubble” updating player movement, stance, rotation, damage and projectiles at a separate rate on foot and in vehicles
- Added option to control client side update rate setting
Xbox One
• Improved/reduced explosion induced camera shake
• Rental server bug fixes
• Character collision improvements
• Fix to reduce object damage mismatch between client/server.
• Fix explosion packs not being able to be shot sometimes
• Improvements for client side packet loss
• Added controller option to swap functionality of the bumper and trigger buttons
• Physics optimization for Naval Strike Wave Breaker rocks
• Carrier – Invisible walls stopping bullets fix
• Fixed issue when using standby in Campaign
• Fixed issue when using standby and reconnecting to game servers
• Fixed issue with snapped application and matchmaking
• Playgroup Matchmaking fix for Xbox One
• Fixed incorrect error message for lost Xbox Live connection
• Fixed issue for user name mismatch in rental server, ingame scoreboard and Squad Join menus
• High Frequency Network update
- Added High frequency “bubble” updating player movement, stance, rotation, damage and projectiles at a separate rate on foot and in vehicles
- Added option to control client side update rate setting